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Family Impact Analysis of Section 6 (Sexual Transmission) of the Kenya HIV and AIDS Prevention and Control Act No. 14 of 2006
(Dorothy Rombo • Jane Rose M. Njue, 2012)
1.      Aims:
To analyze the impact of Section 6 of The Kenya HIV and AIDS Prevention Act on Kenyan families and especially within marriage.
2.      Method:
a.    Examined the context of the development The Kenya HIV and AIDS Prevention and Control Act no. 14 of  2006
b.    Evaluated the potential impact of Section 6 of The Act on families using the six principles of  Family Impact Analysis (FIA) proposed by Bogenschneider (2006):
(1)   supports and encourages being responsible in marriage
(2)   strengthens marital commitment and stability
(3)   acknowledges interdependence of family members,
(4)   empowers and respects family autonomy in collaborating with service providers,
(5)   acknowledges and values diversity,
(6)   supports vulnerable families.

International Migration

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International Migrants Day 18 Oktober 2012

Van Hear, Nicholas, et al. (2012). Drivers Of Migration. Migrating out of Poverty Research Programme Consortium Working Paper 1 March 2012. Migrating out of Poverty, Research Programme Consortium, UK.

Paper ini berupaya untuk mengeksplor hubungan antara faktor-faktor migrasi yang seringkali mempengaruhi kondisi ekonomi, sosial, budaya, politik, lingkungan dan faktor lainnya yang menentukan. Paper ini juga dapat dijadikan sebagai saran yang mungkin dapat berguna untuk membedakan antara faktor-faktor kecenderungan, kedekatan, kecepatan dan mediasi.